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  • +233 302 255485



He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; on them he has set the world.
1 Samuel 2:8 NIV

Once in a while there is a commercial on youtube that truly catches my attention–instead of merely irritating me because it interrupted the worship song I was listening to. An ad like that recently showed a woman taking the broken pieces of a beautiful blue and white vase that no doubt had been a favorite. She glued the pieces onto a glass vase in such a way that she created a lovely new pattern.  Then she filled in the spaces with paint as if it were grout. A bouquet of fresh flowers completed the remake of this piece of art. Honestly, I don’t remember what she was advertising, but I was impressed with the way she turned a broken treasure into something new and lovely.
In Isaiah 61,the is a prophecy that one day the ruins of this world will be restored.

“They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations”
Isaiah 61:4 NIV

I know many of us may broken inside,picking up the pieces of failed businesses and relationships. Many of us put up with smiles but behind that make up is that shattered and devastated heart. The errors of our past have left us in ruins.

The beautiful thing is that God still loves our thrash.We may look like thrash to the world but we are God’s treasure. The Master Designer can take the broken pieces of our lives—the debris of the wreckage that’s left from trauma we thought had ruined us forever, and He can create a new and lovely work of art.

One thing is necessary, though.We must give Him all the pieces.  Don’t hold anything back.  He, the Master Potter, can do wonders in our lives when we turn everything over to Him and let Him work.  He doesn’t need our advice.  He doesn’t need us interfering and trying to do the work ourselves. Just turn everything over to Jesus and see what He will create out of the broken pieces.  Will you let Him? His will for you starts fresh every day. He can turn our trash into treasure. He can restore us and give us Double for our troubles.

Prayer: Father, take my life and restore me in the name of Jesus.

I love you all and may God bless you.